Metal Lockers – 10 Reasons Why Every Home Should Have a Fabulous Mustard Made Locker

mustard, pink and blue lockers in a living room

I had a metal locker in the latter stages of High School and it really made me feel grown up! We were only allowed one in the last 2 years of Senior School and we would excitedly spend our time planning what posters we would put inside and watch admiringly at the older kids hanging around their own private sanctuaries.

They looked so cool! Straight out of a US High School drama and as soon as we were given a metal locker ourselves, my friends and I wasted no time putting up posters from Smash Hits, mirrors, and all our extra pens, pencils, and notebooks we’d never use.

They were also great at hiding our makeup bags which were about as much use as a chocolate teapot seeing as we were marched straight to the ladies if we even dared to put on a slither of eye shadow.

Fast forward 24 years (Oh my! Has it really been that long? Sob) and a metal locker was very far from my thoughts, tucked away with my crush on the whole of Take That and my Britpop CD collection.

That was until I started seeing some very stylish-looking metal lockers appearing in my favorite interior Instagrammers’ homes in some very flattering colors!

mustard made metal locker in blush and navy
I first saw these metal lockers from Mustard Made on Agi’s account. Image credit: @agi_at_59
The extremely stylish Lowdown in Olive in Joanne’s home. Image credit: @hardcastletowers

And that’s what really grabbed my attention! Gone were the rusty old grey lockers of Senior school…  Here were some metal lockers that not only looked curiously unique nestled in between a sofa and some plants but came in completely on-trend colors too.

Just a few colours from the Mustard Made locker collection

I was delighted when Mustard Made agreed to a collaboration with me and we became the proud owners of The Lowdown in Olive (I wanted a Blush locker but my daughter has decided she no longer likes pink! ☹).

She absolutely loves her locker and it is true what they say when they become highly addictive, I need one for every room!

We initially used the locker as a bedside table.

Here is why I think they are such a great statement piece for all homes…

Choose Your Size!

When we think about metal lockers, we automatically visualize images of tall grey skinny ones that are ideal for hanging your coat in or storing your broom, but not for anything bulky.

When Becca and Jess (the sisters behind Mustard Made), first went into business, they launched The Skinny and The Shorty which mimicked those school lockers but gave you the option for a smaller one in your house.

Since then, they have added wider lockers to their range – The Lowdown, The Midi, and The Twinny. These 5 different sizes are perfect for any home and can be used as cupboards, wardrobes, bedside tables, and a TV cabinet. Their versatility is endless!


Probably one of the biggest reasons you should have a metal locker in your home is because they are a super stylish way to organize your home life.

With the number of people working from home almost doubling since 2020, now is the time to get all your work and home administration filed away into something that looks as good as this!

Mustard Made now has accessories for the lockers, including baskets and hangers, which help make organization stress-free and even easier!

The baskets come in the same colors as the lockers

Metal Lockers That are Customizable

Want to hang your coats in them? No problem, the Skinny and Twinny both come with removable hanging rails. Want more shelves? You can buy extra shelves for your metal locker and choose where to place them.

The versatility of these lockers means that they are perfect for all uses, from wardrobe to filing cabinet, toy cupboard to bookshelf.

They Have Hooks

A bit like the metal lockers of old, you can still hang your coat, bag, and PE kit in your locker! Or they can be used to hang smaller items like necklaces or headphones.

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I know there is a fierce division when it comes to whether you should have magnets on your fridge or not. As a family, we were firmly in the “buy a magnet when we go on holiday and stick it on the fridge” camp.

However, if you find the thought of sticking your kid’s artwork on your fridge a little too much, these metal lockers are magnetic. Great for pinning to-do lists, photos, and wonderful drawings your kids have produced of the family that represents neither man nor beast.

They Lock

I have an 8, going on 18-year-old daughter and privacy has become really important to her in the last 6 months. God forbid if her mother found her collection of rocks from the beach, or her diary with her never-ending birthday present lists (surely, she would want me to see that? ).

The beauty of these lockers is that they come with a set of keys and can be locked, with a bonus set of keys thrown in. Just in case your little darling loses theirs, which mine inevitably already has!

On Trend Colors

Not only do the metal lockers come in 5 different sizes, but there are also 10 amazing on-trend colors to choose from. I knew what size I wanted straight away, but the color was the tricky bit as I wanted them all!

Thankfully, at age 7, my daughter certainly knew her mind and was adamant she wanted Olive so that was the choice made. I’m sure I can find room for one in every color! I love the color green in the home and wrote a blog post on how to use it here. 

My daughter was adamant she wanted the Lowdown in Olive

Lockers That Suit All Ages

I think these lockers look just as much at home in a kid’s bedroom as they do as a TV unit in your lounge. With so many colours and sizes to choose from, there is one for all ages and the locks mean they are appreciated by teenagers and adults alike.

Design Durability and Longevity

The enduring design of these metal lockers means that they will never go out of fashion and you will not need a reason to replace them. In fact, they are so stylish and durable, you will find that you will become addicted to them and want more for your home!

The Ultimate Storage Solution!

Wooden wardrobes, sideboards, and bedroom furniture can often be quite bulky and large. The beauty of these metal lockers is that they are extremely sturdy but don’t take up a lot of room.

With 5 different sizes to choose from, there is one to fit any space in your home. They are also effortless to clean and can be pulled apart easily if you want to move them.

I can’t recommend these metal lockers from Mustard Made enough. I absolutely love our Olive Lowdown locker; it is so versatile and looks good everywhere in our house.

I think the hardest decision to make is which color we should go for next…

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