Unkillable Beauties: 5 of The Best Evergreen Climbing Plants in the UK

roses on a pergola

When it comes to brightening up a garden, climbing plants are an excellent choice. Not only do they provide height and structure, but they also add an extra layer of interest with their beautiful foliage and flowers.

For those looking for year-round interest, the best evergreen climbing plants at Gardeners Dream are the perfect solution! In the UK, there are a variety of evergreen climbing plants to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics.

From the compact and self-clinging Euonymus fortunei ‘Silver Queen’ with its variegated foliage to the large heart-shaped leaves of Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’ AGM – Paddy’s Pride, there is an evergreen climber for every garden.

These plants provide a beautiful backdrop in your garden and can act as insulation, protecting homes and gardens from harsh weather conditions and erosion.

Whether you’re looking to cover a trellis, arch, or pergola, evergreen climbers are a versatile and attractive option. With the right support, these plants can grow to impressive heights, creating a stunning vertical display. So why not add a touch of green to your garden with an evergreen climber? 

Why Choose Evergreen Climbing Plants?

a garden with lawn and plants growing up a pergola
Evergreen climber plants are perfect for growing up around a garden pergola

When it comes to adding beauty and structure to a garden, climbing plants can be a great choice. And when choosing climbing plants, evergreens have a lot to offer. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider evergreen climbing plants for your garden.

Benefits of Evergreen Climbing Plants

One of the main benefits of evergreen climbing plants is that they provide year-round foliage, which can help to create a more cohesive and attractive garden design. Unlike deciduous climbers, which lose their leaves in winter, evergreens can provide a reliable backdrop of glossy leaves and greenery throughout the year.

Another benefit of evergreen climbing plants is that they can provide structure and privacy to a garden. Whether you’re looking to create a screen to block out an unsightly view or to add some interest to a blank wall or fence, evergreens can be a great choice. They can also be used to create a sense of enclosure and intimacy in a garden.

Other benefits include: 

  • Making efficient use of vertical space allows you to maximize the potential of small gardens or limited ground areas. They can be trained to grow on walls, arches, and other vertical structures, adding depth and a focal point to your garden.
  • The dense foliage of evergreen climbers can help absorb and reduce noise, acting as a natural sound barrier. They can soften the impact of traffic noise or other environmental sounds, creating a more peaceful and serene outdoor environment.
  • The foliage of evergreen climbers can provide shade and help regulate temperatures, especially when grown on walls or pergolas. By creating natural shading, they can help cool down outdoor spaces and even reduce the heat transfer to adjacent buildings, thereby contributing to energy efficiency.
  • Evergreen climbers provide habitat and shelter for various beneficial insects, birds, and other small wildlife. They can attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, as well as provide nesting sites for birds, enhancing biodiversity in your garden.
  • When grown on slopes or embankments, evergreen climbers can help prevent soil erosion. Their extensive root systems help stabilize the soil and reduce the risk of erosion caused by wind or water.
  • The lush and green foliage of evergreen climbers adds beauty, texture, and depth to any garden or landscape. They can be selected for their ornamental flowers, attractive foliage, or interesting growth patterns

Popular Evergreen Climbing Plants

a climbing rose plant going up a white wall
Photo by Rod Long

There are many different types of evergreen climbing plants to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics and growing requirements. Here are a few popular options to consider:

  • Climbing Hydrangea: This climber produces large heads of white summer flowers and bold, leathery, dark green leaves. These leaves create a lush and verdant backdrop, which remains vibrant and attractive throughout the growing season. In autumn, the foliage often turns into a rich golden hue, further enhancing its appeal.
  • Clematis Armandii: This vigorous climber has glossy, dark green leaves and produces fragrant white flowers in spring. It can be trained to grow up a wall or over a pergola.
  • Ivy: This classic evergreen climber is known for its ability to cover walls and fences quickly. It has dark green leaves and can be trained to grow in a variety of shapes.
  • Honeysuckle: This fragrant climber produces clusters of tubular flowers in summer, has dark green leaves, and can even be trained to grow up a trellis or over an archway.

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Best Evergreen Climbing Plants for UK Gardens

When it comes to adding some vertical interest to a garden, climbers are a great choice. Not only do they add height and structure to a garden, but they can also provide attractive foliage, scented flowers, and even berries.

For those looking for evergreen options, here are some of the best climbers for UK gardens:

1. Trachelospermum Jasminoides (Star Jasmine)

star jasmine
Photo by Chinmay Sethi

Star jasmine is a popular evergreen climber that produces masses of sweetly scented white flowers in the summer. It is a slow-growing plant that requires some support to climb, but it can quickly cover walls and fences once established.

Plus, its glossy foliage provides year-round greenery for your garden.

The flowering period of star jasmine can extend for several weeks, providing a prolonged show of blooms. The flowers may attract pollinators like bees, adding an ecological benefit to their ornamental charm.

It thrives in well-draining soil and prefers a position in full sun to partial shade. Regular watering is necessary, particularly during dry spells, to maintain its health and vigor. Light pruning after the blooming period can help maintain its shape and encourage new growth.

2. Clematis Cirrhosa

Clematis Cirrhosa is a winter-flowering evergreen climber that produces masses of delicate, bell-shaped flowers from December to February. It is perfect for adding some interest to a garden during the winter months when many other plants are dormant.

Cultivating Clematis Cirrhosa requires proper consideration of its preferred growing conditions. It thrives in well-draining soil with moderate moisture levels.

While it appreciates full sun, it can tolerate partial shade. To encourage healthy growth and abundant flowering, it is advisable to prune lightly after flowering, removing any dead or damaged wood.

3. Sollya Heterophylla (Bluebell Creeper)

bluebell creeper

Bluebell creeper is a delicate evergreen climber that produces masses of blue, bell-shaped flowers from late spring to early summer. It is perfect for adding some vertical interest to a garden and is ideal for growing over arches and pergolas.

Cultivating the Bluebell Creeper is relatively straightforward. It thrives in well-draining soil and prefers a position in full sun to partial shade.

Regular watering is necessary to maintain its health and vigor, especially during dry spells. Additionally, providing a sturdy trellis or support system will help guide its growth and enhance its impact.

4. Pyracantha

pyracantha plant

Pyracantha is an evergreen climber that produces masses of white flowers in the spring, followed by bright red or orange berries in the autumn. It is perfect for adding some interest to a garden during the autumn months when many other plants start fading.

Pyracantha is also valued for its ability to attract birds and pollinators to the garden. The flowers of Pyracantha, which typically bloom in spring or early summer, are small, white, and held in clusters. They emit a pleasant fragrance, attracting bees and other beneficial insects.

5. Climbing Rose Plant

roses on a pergola in the garden

The climbing rose plant is a breathtaking addition to any garden, renowned for its graceful vines, stunning blooms, and enchanting fragrance. With its ability to climb and adorn various structures, it adds vertical beauty and a touch of romance to landscapes.

The climbing rose exhibits a robust and vigorous growth habit, characterized by long, flexible canes that extend outward and upward. These canes are adorned with sharp thorns, which are both a protective mechanism and an additional ornamental element.

As the plant matures, it develops a network of branches that intertwine and cling to trellises, walls, pergolas, or fences, creating a stunning display of natural artistry.

honeysuckle climbing up a pergola
If you’re looking for pergola plants, there are plenty to choose from including the climbing rose plant and honeysuckle!

How to Choose the Right Climbing Plant for Your Garden

Remember, when choosing a climbing or vine plant, it’s important to consider your planting scheme and the conditions of your outdoor space. Some climbers prefer full sun, while others thrive in the shade.

Be sure to do your research before making a purchase. Decide what you want the climbing plant to achieve. Do you want it to provide a beautiful corner full of flowers, privacy, and shade, or attract wildlife? Knowing your purpose will help narrow down your options.

Finally, determine how the plant climbs. Some climbers have tendrils, while others have aerial rootlets or twining stems. Choose a plant that suits your desired support structure, such as trellises, walls, or pergolas.

Some climbing plants can become invasive and overpower other vegetation. Ensure the plant you choose is not invasive in your area and won’t cause ecological issues.

Whether you’re looking to add some greenery to your outdoor space, create a natural screen, or attract wildlife and bees, there is an evergreen climber out there for you.

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