7 Small Businesses That Easily Allow You To Work Flexible Hours

a woman working on a laptop

Whether you’re looking for a career change or seeking to strike a better work-life balance, these seven small businesses offer just the flexibility you need to work from home or choose your hours. Each one allows you to dictate your own schedule while earning a good income, showcasing the diversity and opportunity that await in the entrepreneurial world.

How to Work Flexible Hours

Are you dreaming of a career that lets you call the shots on your schedule? Imagine a work life where you’re not tethered to the typical 9-to-5 grind. Here we discuss seven small business ideas that are not only rewarding but also offer the golden ticket to flexible work hours.

Freelance Writing and Content Creation

a graphic of a woman working on a laptop

Stepping into the arena of freelance writing offers a lot of opportunities to work flexible hours. Instead of being chained to a typical 9-5 schedule, as with offline professions, you can set your own hours and work from home.

  • Freelance Writing: Involves creating written content for various clients on a project-by-project basis. This includes articles, blog posts, white papers, and more.
  • Content Creation: Goes beyond writing to include other forms of media like videos, podcasts, and social media content. It’s about crafting material that engages, informs, or entertains an audience.

Many projects in this profession include deadlines rather than specific working times, so it’s easy to see why this could be ideal for those seeking flexible work hours. One of the biggest advantages is that freelancers set their own schedules, choose their clients, and decide on their workload. Work can range from writing for niche blogs to creating content for large corporate websites.

This freedom doesn’t come without challenges though. You’ll need self-discipline and time management skills to ensure success and unlike traditional jobs, freelancing can lead to fluctuating income levels.

Fitness Training Services

a woman in a gym with dumbells next to her

Working in the fitness industry, specifically as a personal trainer or yoga instructor, isn’t bound by typical office hours. Clients often want to schedule their workouts around their own work schedules, whether that’s early mornings or late evenings for example.

This means you can arrange your training sessions when it suits both parties, providing flexible work hours and variety in your working day. Just bear in mind that peak business hours might be during times others have off.

Building a client base and managing schedules effectively are critical aspects of a successful personal fitness training business. You can use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to showcase your training style, success stories, and fitness tips and engage with followers by responding to comments and messages.

To get ahead, make sure you create a professional website with information about your services, client testimonials, and contact details. Connecting with local gyms, sports clubs, and wellness centers and attending community events can help promote your services.


a cheeseboard

Running a small catering business gives you the power to set your own working hours. Considering many events take place on weekends or evenings, it’s definitely not your typical office job. You can pick and choose events that fit within your preferred time frame as well.

Setting up a small catering business requires careful planning, a passion for food, and a commitment to excellent service. You need to determine the type of catering services you want to provide (e.g., corporate events, weddings, private parties) and research your local market to understand the competition and identify potential clients.

Creating a strong brand identity with a business name, logo, and marketing materials is extremely important if you want to go into events. Successful event execution requires planning and preparation during off-peak hours.

You can use scheduling software to manage bookings and events, develop a professional website, and utilize social media to showcase your services and past events. With good management skills and concise organizing tactics, this field promises great opportunities and flexible work hours.

Plumbing Business

As a plumber, you have the liberty to choose your own jobs, meaning you can work when it suits you best. And you can use software to run your plumbing business with ease, managing everything from client appointments to invoicing without hassle.

It’s critical though that quality service isn’t sacrificed for flexible work hours. A satisfied customer and reputation are keys to success here.

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Graphic Design and Digital Marketing Services

graphic design on a laptop

In the realm of graphic design, deadlines often matter more than exact working hours, making it similar to freelance writing in this regard. Your creative juices might flow best at midnight or dawn, and that’s completely acceptable! As a studio owner, your time is essentially decentralized.

Being a graphic designer will also give you the skills to work in digital marketing services, which is a continually growing and sought-after market. Digital marketing campaigns offer a significant degree of flexibility, which can be a major advantage for businesses and marketers alike.

Digital marketing and graphic designing allow you to target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and even geographical areas. You can create different campaigns for different segments of your audience, tailoring messages to suit each group’s preferences.

Projects can be worked on whenever you feel most productive, all while ensuring client needs are met within their timeline. It’s the perfect job to work from home and set your own working hours.

Personal Consulting Agency

Managing a personal consulting agency throws open the doors to flexible working hours. Be it financial, image, or career consulting, client meetings and communication can often be scheduled around your availability.

Establishing yourself as a consultant requires a strategic approach to position yourself as an expert in your field and attract the right clients. You need to choose an area of expertise where you have significant knowledge and experience and ensure there is a market demand for your consulting services in your chosen niche.

With many consultations now happening virtually over video calls, this flexibility extends further, and you can operate from anywhere at any time. While liberating, effectively balancing client needs with your own schedule will require significant organizational skills. Don’t get into this if you’re not convinced you’ve got what it takes to keep up with all the admin!

Web Development Services

A web development service is a professional service that specializes in the creation, design, maintenance, and updating of websites. It encompasses a range of tasks and skills that are crucial for building and managing a website.

Operating a small web development firm offers the advantage of flexible working hours. In today’s digital age, almost every business needs an online presence, leading to a high demand for web development services. As most jobs are project-based, you can organize your schedule around milestones rather than specific work times.

This career choice allows you to work whenever inspiration strikes and as long as deadlines are met, clients will be satisfied. Tools for remote collaboration make it easy to coordinate with clients regardless of their time zone. Beyond basic web development, you can offer related services like web design, SEO, e-commerce solutions, and maintenance services.

This is just a taster of what being your own boss can do to empower you through flexibility. While starting a small business will monopolize more of your time initially, in the long run, the right choice can be freeing.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, I will receive a very small commission if you click through and make a purchase. These links help to pay the editorial costs of writing a blog. For more information, please read my full affiliate disclosure here.

I also use Artificial Intelligence Image generators to create some of my images. These are to show you examples of my ideas and inspiration when I cannot produce the real images myself.

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