9 Energy Efficient Upgrades You Can Make for Your Home

a home with solar panels on the roof and steps up to bifold doors

As energy costs continue to rise, inefficient energy usage, including traditional heating and cooling systems, contributes to global warming and burdens homeowners financially. Finding energy efficient upgrades for our homes is more important than ever. 

Average energy costs in the U.S. have increased from $0.150 in March of 2022 to $0.166 in March of 2023, highlighting the need for energy efficiency upgrades in American households. By opting for energy-saving alternatives like a mini-split system and reducing energy consumption, you can reduce your energy bills and help protect the environment.

Energy efficient upgrades can also improve your home comfort by regulating temperature, increasing natural light, and reducing noise pollution.

Easy Energy Efficient Upgrades

From innovative smart home gadgets to tried-and-true insulation techniques, these energy saving ideas have one thing in common: they all aim to decrease energy consumption, making your home more eco-friendly and cost-efficient.

We’ll take you through each of these changes, explaining how they work and why they make a difference.

We understand that home improvement projects can be daunting, especially when they involve unfamiliar terms and technologies. That’s why we’ve ensured this guide is accessible, easy to understand, and practical for homeowners who are looking for ways to save energy.

Here are 9 energy efficiency upgrades for your home:

1. Insulation

insulation in a wall

Upgrading your home’s insulation is a wise investment that can improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs. Proper insulation creates a barrier between your living spaces and the outdoor environment, maintaining the desired indoor temperature with minimal energy consumption.

Consider adding insulation to your attic, walls, and floors or opting for higher resistance value (R-value) materials, like rigid foam or panel insulation, to maximize effectiveness and create an energy efficient home.

2. Ductless Mini Split System

an ac unit in the living room
A ductless mini-split system

A ductless mini-split system is an energy efficient upgrade alternative to traditional heating and cooling systems, offering targeted climate control in individual rooms. These systems consist of an outdoor unit and multiple indoor air handlers, which can be customized for your home’s needs with options like a dual zone mini split for a small apartment or even a 4 zone mini split for a multi-level home.

Mini-split systems allow you to optimize energy usage and reduce overall costs by providing temperature control for specific areas. They also eliminate up to 30% of energy loss associated with ductwork, enhancing their efficiency and contributing to a greener home environment.

3. Programmable Thermostat

a thermostat on the wall

A programmable thermostat enables temperature adjustments based on your daily schedule, optimizing your energy usage and reducing wasteful heating and cooling when you’re away or asleep.

Many programmable thermostats offer a range of customizable settings, allowing you to create personalized schedules for weekdays and weekends and adjust temperatures for specific hours of the day, helping you save energy.

Some models even provide smart features, such as remote access and integration with home automation systems. Effectively managing your HVAC system with a programmable thermostat can lead to considerable energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint while maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

4. LED Lighting

a modern luxury apartment
Replacing your lights with LED lighting is an easy energy efficient upgrade

Switching to LED lighting is a simple yet effective energy efficient upgrade for your home. LED bulbs consume up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs while providing the same amount of light.

They also have a longer lifespan, lasting up to 25 times longer than an incandescent bulb, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Replacing your existing bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs, including overhead lighting and floor and table lamps, will save energy, and reduce your electricity bills and your home’s environmental impact.

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5. Energy Efficient Appliances

a light and bright kitchen

Investing in energy-efficient appliances can significantly affect your home’s overall energy consumption. When shopping for appliances, look for those with ENERGY STAR certification, which ensures they meet strict energy efficiency guidelines.

Replacing older, energy-hungry appliances with modern, efficient models can promote a more sustainable lifestyle and lead to substantial energy savings and lower utility bills. The average household can save up to $450 yearly by switching to ENERGY STAR products.

6. Seal Air Leaks

Sealing air leaks in your home is a cost-effective way to enhance energy efficiency and improve indoor comfort. Air leaks occur through gaps and cracks in walls, ceilings, floors, and around doors and windows, allowing conditioned air to escape and outside air to enter.

By identifying and sealing these leaks with caulk, spray foam, or weather stripping, the EPA estimates that you can save 15% on heating and cooling costs and reduce the workload on your HVAC system.

In addition to improving insulation, sealing air leaks helps prevent moisture problems like mold and mildew growth, enhancing indoor air quality and creating a more comfortable and eco-friendly living space.

7. Low Flow Showerheads and Faucets

water coming out of a tap

Installing low-flow showerheads and faucets or taps is an effective way to conserve water and reduce energy consumption in your home. These fixtures are designed to restrict water flow while maintaining adequate pressure, resulting in significant water savings without sacrificing comfort.

According to the EPA, the average family can save around 2,700 gallons per year with WaterSense showerheads. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that low-flow fixtures can save you around 25% to 60% in water usage per year and that most fixtures only cost between $10 to $20 each. This makes low-flow fixtures a convenient, affordable way to save on long-term costs and help conserve water for sustainability.

8. Solar Panels

solar panels on the roof

Investing in solar panels is a powerful step toward energy independence and sustainability and one of the best ways to save energy in your home. By harnessing the sun’s energy, solar panels generate clean, renewable electricity for your home, significantly reducing your reliance on grid power and lowering your utility bills.

While the initial installation cost can be substantial, the long-term financial and environmental benefits make solar panels an attractive option for homeowners.

The average family can save around $20,000 to $97,000 in electricity costs over the life of the solar panel system, typically about 30 to 35 years. The IRS currently allows a tax credit of 30% of the installation cost until 2033, making it an excellent long-term investment.

Solar-powered homes are highly sought after in the real estate market due to their energy efficiency and potential for long-term savings, making them a wise investment for homeowners looking to increase their home’s overall value.

9. Attic Ventilation

a large detached house

Proper attic ventilation is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and energy efficient home. It helps regulate temperature, reduce moisture buildup, and prevent ice dam formation during winter months.

A well-ventilated attic allows for adequate air circulation, ensuring hot air is expelled and cooler air is drawn in, reducing strain on your air conditioning system and lowering energy costs. To improve attic ventilation, consider installing ridge vents, soffit vents, or gable vents or upgrading to a solar-powered attic fan.

Upgrade Your Home to Save Money Long Term

Investing in energy efficient home upgrades can help you see long-term savings on utility bills and boost your home’s value.

Eco-friendly improvements such as updated heating and cooling systems and insulation can make your home more comfortable and help you keep energy costs low, allowing you to live a more sustainable lifestyle that’s great for your wallet and the environment.

While the initial cost of these upgrades may require an upfront investment, the cumulative savings over time make it well worth it. Not to mention, these upgrades often increase the comfort and value of your home, which could be beneficial should you ever decide to sell.

Remember, each home is unique, so the energy-efficiency solutions that work best will depend on your individual circumstances, including the age of your home, your local climate, and your lifestyle.

We recommend starting with a home energy audit to identify the areas where you could improve efficiency the most. It’s the first step towards a greener, more cost-efficient home.

Ultimately, every step you take towards energy efficiency not only contributes to your financial well-being but also supports the global goal of energy conservation and environmental sustainability.

And that’s a goal we can all stand behind. 

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