The Top Benefits of Going Solar in Missouri in 2023

a house with huge solar panels and a pool
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Missouri, historically recognized for its innovative approach to energy solutions, has recently witnessed a marked shift towards solar energy power adoption. The Show-Me State has abundant solar resources, with most regions receiving 4-5 kWh/m2 per day of sunlight.

As solar technology improves and installation costs continue to decline, more and more Missouri homeowners, businesses, and utilities are harnessing the sun’s energy.

As we progress through 2023, the transition to solar in Missouri is not merely a trend but an indicative shift toward a sustainable energy paradigm. This article delineates the multifaceted benefits of going solar in the state.

Benefits of Going Solar

In 2022 alone, Missouri installed over 150 megawatts of new solar capacity, doubling its total solar generation in just one year.

With federal tax credits, attractive net metering policies, and declining system prices, solar energy in Missouri is poised for impressive growth throughout the 2020s. For homeowners considering going solar, there are many good reasons to invest in a solar PV system this year.

Economic Implications of Solar Adoption

The primary motivator for many homeowners and businesses in transitioning to solar energy is the economic viability it offers. The diminishing capital expenditure on solar infrastructure, coupled with the prospect of substantial monthly energy cost reductions, positions solar as a lucrative investment.

A salient component amplifying this financial benefit is the range of Missouri energy rebates and incentives available. From tax incentives to Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), these financial stimuli bolster the economic case for solar energy in Missouri.

Other economic advantages include: 

  • Return on investment: Solar panels typically have a lifespan of 25-30 years. After the payback period, you’ll essentially be generating “free” electricity for the remaining life of the system.
  • Increased property value: Studies have shown that homes with solar panels sell for more than those without. This can be an added benefit when considering ROI, especially if you plan to sell your home in the future.

Solar Irradiance and Missouri’s Geographic Advantage

While Missouri’s solar irradiance might not parallel that of more equatorial regions, its geographic positioning is adequately conducive for efficient solar energy generation.

Contemporary solar arrays, optimized through advancements in photovoltaic (PV) technologies in 2023, ensure consistent energy capture, even during suboptimal solar conditions.

With the integration of state-of-the-art battery storage systems, Missouri’s homeowners can achieve unparalleled energy autonomy.

Environmental Stewardship Through Solar Integration

Solar energy’s environmental benefits are unequivocal. Transitioning to solar leads to a tangible reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to carbon neutrality.

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, which convert sunlight directly into electricity, require minimal water—mostly for occasional cleaning. This represents a stark contrast to fossil fuel power plants and ensures that solar installations don’t contribute to local water shortages or stress.

While solar farms do require land, they often coexist with agricultural or grazing activities. Some solar installations even incorporate pollinator-friendly ground cover, which can enhance local biodiversity.

Furthermore, rooftop solar panels make use of already-developed spaces, having negligible additional land footprint. In contrast, fossil fuel extraction (like coal mining or drilling for oil and gas) can be land-intensive and disruptive to ecosystems.

For a state as ecologically diverse as Missouri, the adoption of solar energy reinforces its commitment to environmental conservation and combating global climatic challenges.

State Legislation Facilitating Solar Transition

Missouri’s 2023 legislative framework pertaining to solar energy has been pivotal in fostering its adoption.

Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows homeowners and businesses with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to receive credit for any excess electricity they produce and send back to the grid. It’s an essential policy framework supporting the economic viability of solar energy installations.

Policies endorsing net metering, for instance, facilitate consumers in redistributing surplus energy to the grid, establishing a dualistic consumption-production energy model.

Moreover, regulatory simplifications have expedited the installation processes, removing bureaucratic impediments.

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Solar Sector: A Catalyst for Employment

The proliferation of solar installations in Missouri is not limited to energy benefits. The burgeoning solar sector has precipitated employment growth, invigorating the state’s economy. The solar industry offers a myriad of job opportunities, including: 

  • Solar panel installers
  • Electricians specializing in solar
  • Solar designers and engineers
  • Sales and distribution personnel
  • Solar project managers
  • Maintenance and repair technicians
  • Research and development roles
  • Administrative and management positions

Moreover, community-based solar projects underscore the sector’s potential in community development and localized energy solutions.

Enhanced Grid Reliability Through Decentralization

Solar energy’s decentralized nature serves as a bulwark against grid vulnerabilities. Residences fortified with solar infrastructure and associated battery storage can insulate themselves from grid disruptions, thereby enhancing statewide grid robustness.

By generating a significant portion, if not all, of their electricity, users can dramatically reduce the amount of electricity they need to purchase from utility companies.

On days when a solar system produces more electricity than is consumed, the excess can lead to bill credits. Over time, especially during sunny months, this can result in very low, or even negative, monthly electricity bills.

Coupling solar panels with battery storage systems allows homeowners to store excess electricity generated during the day for use during nighttime or cloudy days.

With a sufficiently sized battery system, homeowners can function almost entirely off the grid, drawing from the utility only during prolonged periods of low sun or high consumption.

Consumer Perspectives on Solar Transition

Feedback from Missouri residents who have transitioned to solar energy underscores its multifarious benefits. Beyond the quantifiable economic savings, there’s an intrinsic value associated with spearheading a sustainable energy shift.

The longevity and durability of solar systems, underscored by extended warranty periods and minimal maintenance requirements, further solidify their appeal.

The incentives for transitioning to solar energy in Missouri in 2023 are both compelling and multifaceted. With rapid technological evolution and a conducive legislative landscape, Missouri stands poised at the forefront of the solar revolution. The trajectory is evident: a sustainable, solar-oriented future beckons.

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