Decluttering Clothes: A Complete Guide to Simplifying Your Wardrobe

ai a messy wardrobe

Do you often stand in front of your wardrobe, full of clothes, and still can’t find anything to wear? Has your wardrobe become a jumble of never-worn jumpers and dresses that are too small? It’s probably time to start decluttering your wardrobe!

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, where efficiency and simplicity are highly valued, the concept of decluttering clothes and your wardrobe has gained significant importance. In a world where time is precious, having a cluttered and disorganized wardrobe can add unnecessary stress and decision fatigue to our daily routines.

This process involves sifting through your clothes, identifying what truly reflects your style and needs, and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose. That beautiful red dress you’ve owned for 10 years and only worn once? Donate! That pair of jeans you bought 4 years ago telling yourself you would one day get into them (guilty as charged), sell them on Vinted!

Decluttering Clothes – The Benefits

green potted plants on brown wooden rack
Photo by Sid Maia

A simplified wardrobe offers several tangible benefits that can enhance daily life. Firstly, it saves time; with fewer clothes to sift through, selecting an outfit becomes a quicker, more straightforward process. This reduction in choices can significantly diminish morning stress, helping to start the day with a calmer mindset.

Additionally, a decluttered closet reduces decision fatigue, a common issue in our choice-saturated lives. With only clothes that fit well and suit your style, dressing becomes a more enjoyable experience.

Moreover, decluttering your wardrobe and maintaining it is easier, as there’s less to organize and reorganize, leading to a more orderly space.

How to Declutter Your Wardrobe

Are you ready? Below is a step-by-step guide to decluttering your wardrobe, organizing your clothes, and having a better impact on the environment by making more deliberate and sustainable choices.

Preparing for the Decluttering Process

ai boxes in a bedroom

Embarking on a decluttering journey, particularly when it involves personal items like clothes, requires not just physical effort but also significant mental preparation and intention-setting. Before diving into the task, it’s essential to mentally brace yourself for the decisions and emotional responses that the process may evoke.

Mental Preparation:

  • Embrace the Mindset: Begin by adopting a mindset geared towards letting go. Recognize that the purpose of decluttering is to create a space that reflects your current needs and lifestyle.
  • Understand Emotional Attachments: Be aware that decluttering can stir up emotions, as clothes often hold sentimental value or memories. Prepare to confront these feelings and make objective decisions.
  • Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with this decluttering session. Whether it’s creating more space, curating a wardrobe that better suits your style, or reducing stress in your daily routine, having clear objectives helps guide your decisions.

Setting Intentions:

  1. Visualize the Outcome: Spend some time visualizing your ideal wardrobe and how it will benefit your daily life. This vision will keep you motivated and focused.
  2. Plan for Challenges: Anticipate challenges such as time constraints or difficulty parting with items. Planning how to address these challenges can make the process smoother.
  3. Commit to the Process: Decluttering is not just a one-time activity but a continuous process of evaluating and reevaluating your needs and preferences. Commit to maintaining the decluttered state of your wardrobe.

Mindfulness in Action:

  1. Practice Gratitude: Approach each item with gratitude for its service, whether you choose to keep it or let it go.
  2. Be Present in the Moment: Make each decision with careful thought, avoiding rush or automatic responses. This mindfulness ensures that each item in your wardrobe truly earns its place.

Scheduling Decluttering Sessions

unrecognizable woman with folded clean baby clothes
Photo by Sara Chai

Effective scheduling and having the right supplies are key components of a successful decluttering process, especially when it comes to organizing your wardrobe.

Start with a plan! Before scheduling a decluttering clothes session, take a quick inventory of your wardrobe to gauge the scope of decluttering needed. You can then decide what you want to accomplish in each session, whether that be decluttering a certain number of items or tackling a specific section of your closet.

Also, think about setting a specific time to do it. Choose a time when you’re not rushed or likely to be interrupted. You need to be able to make thoughtful decisions about your items.

If it is a huge task, break it down. Instead of attempting to declutter everything at once, break it down into manageable segments, like shoes, winter wear, or formal attire.

To keep sessions manageable, maybe think about setting a timer (e.g., 30 minutes to an hour) and focus on decluttering efficiently within that timeframe.

Gathering Supplies Ready to Declutter

ai an organised walk in closet

It’s no good sorting out your closet if you have nowhere to put your items once you’ve decluttered. It is best to have containers and tools ready so your clothes just end up in a big pile on the bed!

Necessary Supplies:

  • Boxes or Bins: Have a few large boxes or bins on hand to sort items. Label them for easy identification, such as ‘Keep’, ‘Donate’, ‘Sell’, and ‘Recycle’.
  • Trash Bags: Keep trash bags ready for items that are too worn or damaged to be donated or sold.
  • Labels and Markers: Use labels and markers to categorize items clearly.
  • Notepads: Keep a notepad handy to list items that need to be replaced or to jot down any thoughts about wardrobe gaps.
  • Cleaning Products: Have some basic cleaning supplies ready to clean the empty spaces in your closet or drawers once the items are cleared out.
  • Vacuum and Dust Cloth: Use these to clean dust and debris, ensuring a fresh, clean space for your organized clothes.
  • Sewing Kit: Keep a basic sewing kit for minor repairs. Sometimes, a small fix can make a garment wearable again.
  • Stain Remover: A quick treatment of stains before deciding to keep or discard can be helpful.
  • Larger Disposals: If you’re getting rid of a large quantity of clothes, consider dumpster rental to haul away donations, trash, and other discarded items efficiently.

Step-By-Step Guide to Decluttering Clothes

black gondola shelf
Photo by Tembela Bohle

Sorting your clothes effectively is a critical step in the wardrobe decluttering process. By dividing your clothes into categories, you make the task more manageable and ensure that you can give each item the attention it deserves.

Step 1 – Sort

Begin by removing all items from your wardrobe. Lay them out where you can see them, this could be on your bed, a clean floor, or hung on a rack. Then, sort clothes into broad categories. Common ones include tops (shirts, blouses, T-shirts), pants (jeans, trousers, leggings), dresses, skirts, outerwear (jackets, coats), undergarments (socks, underwear), sleepwear, and accessories.

For larger categories, you might want to create sub-categories. For instance, under ‘Tops’, you can have sub-categories like ‘Casual T-shirts’, ‘Formal Shirts’, ‘Knitwear’, and so on. If you have a lot of seasonal clothing, consider sorting them by season – winter, summer, spring, and autumn. This helps in deciding what you need to keep accessible and what can be stored away.

Separate out specialty or occasional wear like formal suits, party dresses, or sportswear. This helps to identify items that are used less frequently but are still necessary. As you sort, think about how often you wear each type of clothing. Daily wear items should be more accessible, while occasional wear can be stored separately.

Once sorted, go through each category. Ask yourself critical questions like how often you wear each item, if it fits well, and if it aligns with your current lifestyle and fashion sense. After sorting, you’ll have a clearer idea of what to keep, alter, donate, sell, or discard.

Step 2 – Keep, Donate, Sell

The Keep, Donate, and Sell and Discard System is a straightforward and effective method for decluttering your wardrobe. It involves categorizing your clothes into distinct groups based on their future in your closet. Here’s how to navigate this system:


  • Criteria: Items in the ‘Keep’ category should be those you love and wear regularly. These are pieces that fit well, are in good condition, and align with your current lifestyle and personal style.
  • Action Steps: Organize these items back into your wardrobe efficiently. Consider how often you wear them to determine their place in your closet for easy access.


  • Criteria: Clothes that are still in good condition but no longer suit your style, fit, or lifestyle should be considered for donation. These are items you haven’t worn in a long time or no longer feel excited about.
  • Action Steps: Choose a charity or a clothing donation center to take these items. Ensure that the clothes are clean and in a condition that respects the next owner.


  • Criteria: High-quality items, designer pieces, or clothes that have retained good value and are in excellent condition can be sold. This category is for items that might have a market value and you feel could be sold rather than donated.
  • Action Steps: Use online platforms, consignment shops, or garage sales to sell these items. Make sure they are well-presented, clean, and photographed clearly if selling online.


  • Criteria: Items that are worn out, damaged, or stained, and not suitable for donation or selling. These are clothes that no longer serve any purpose due to their condition.
  • Action Steps: Responsibly discard these items. Consider textile recycling options if available, rather than just throwing them in the trash. Some materials might be suitable for upcycling or repurposing in craft projects.

Maybe Pile:

  • Criteria: If you’re unsure about some items, put them in a separate ‘Maybe’ pile. These are items you’re not ready to part with but also don’t actively use.
  • Action Steps: Revisit this pile after a few weeks or months. If you haven’t needed or missed these items, you might be more ready to move them to donate, sell, or discard.

When using the Keep, Donate, and Discard System, it’s important to be honest with yourself about each item’s role in your life. This process not only declutters your wardrobe but also helps cultivate a more mindful and intentional approach to your belongings.

Step 3 – One-Year Rule

ai an organised wardrobe

Applying the one-year rule to your wardrobe is a practical and effective strategy for decluttering. This rule suggests that if you haven’t worn an item in the past year, it’s a candidate for removal from your closet.

1. Identify Unworn Items:

  • Go through your wardrobe and pick out all the items that you haven’t worn in the last year. This includes all seasonal clothing – if you didn’t wear a sweater last winter or a summer dress in the past summer, it falls under this category.

2. Assess Each Item:

  • For each item you haven’t worn, ask yourself why. Was it because of fit issues, style preferences, or lifestyle changes? Sometimes clothes are associated with specific memories or phases in life that we have moved past.

3. Make Decisions:

  • Decide on the fate of each item based on your assessment:
    • If it no longer fits or suits your style, consider donating or selling it.
    • If the item is damaged or worn out, it might be time to discard it.
    • If you’re keeping something for sentimental reasons, consider if there are better ways to remember the sentiment than holding onto the clothing.

4. Be Realistic and Honest:

  • It’s important to be realistic. If you haven’t worn an item for a year, chances are you won’t wear it in the future. Trust the process and your initial instinct about each item.

5. Exceptions to the Rule:

  • There can be exceptions, such as specialty wear (formal attire, costumes, etc.) or items with significant sentimental value. However, these should be the exception rather than the rule.

Step 4 – Assessing Fit and Style

assorted color leather bag display inside room
Photo by shattha pilabut

Assessing the fit, style, and condition of your clothes is a crucial step in the decluttering process. It helps ensure that your wardrobe not only looks good but also feels right and reflects your current lifestyle and preferences. Here’s how to effectively evaluate these aspects:

Assessing Fit:

  • Try on Each Item: The best way to assess fit is by trying on the clothes. Clothes that have been unworn for a while may no longer fit due to changes in body shape.
  • Comfort is Key: Pay attention to how comfortable you feel in each item. Clothes that are too tight, too loose, or restrict movement should be reconsidered.
  • Look at Silhouette: Check if the clothing flatters your current body shape. What looked great a few years ago might not suit your body now.

Evaluating Style:

  • Personal Style Alignment: Reflect on whether each item aligns with your current personal style. Your fashion sense might have evolved, and some items may no longer resonate with your taste.
  • Versatility: Consider if the item can be mixed and matched with other pieces in your wardrobe to create multiple outfits.

Checking Condition:

  • Inspect for Wear and Tear: Look for signs of damage, such as holes, stains, fading, or pilling. Decide if these are fixable or if they render the item unwearable.
  • Quality over Quantity: Focus on the quality of the fabric and construction. High-quality items that have held up well are likely to last longer and might be worth keeping.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Consider the care required for each item. If it’s high-maintenance and you’re unlikely to put in the effort, it may not be worth keeping.

Step 5 – Final Decision Making

Making final decisions on sentimental or expensive items during the decluttering process can be challenging. These items often carry emotional weight or a sense of financial investment, making it difficult to let go.

Ask yourself why the item is sentimental. Is it tied to a special memory, person, or period in your life? If the item is not practical but holds sentimental value, consider alternative ways to honor the memory.

You could think about taking a photo of the item before parting with it or repurposing a piece of it into something more usable. Set a limit for how many sentimental items you’ll keep. Choose the most meaningful ones, and let go of the rest.

When dealing with expensive items, asses how often you use it and whether it adds value to your life now. Just because an item was expensive doesn’t mean it’s beneficial to keep.

If an expensive item no longer suits your needs, consider selling it. This can help recoup some of the cost and give the item a new life with someone else. Sometimes an outside perspective can help. Consult with a friend or family member about whether to keep or discard an item.

Tips for a Successful Decluttering

concentrated woman carrying stack of cardboard boxes for relocation
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Achieving a successful decluttering process involves more than just the physical act of sorting and discarding items. It’s about adopting a strategic approach and maintaining a mindset that supports effective decision-making.

If you follow the above advice, decluttering your wardrobe should be fine! To summarize;

  • Set clear goals
  • Start small with less overwhelming tasks
  • Be consistent and schedule regular decluttering sessions
  • Use a system like the Marie Kondo method, the four-box approach
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions
  • Practice making quick decisions
  • When you pick up an item, decide its fate there and then
  • Be mindful of keeping too many sentimental items
  • Keep a mental image of your ideal space
  • Have a plan for your discarded items
  • Reflect on your decluttering journey to understand your consumption habits and avoid future clutter

What to Do with Decluttered Clothes

ai a clutter free bedroom

After decluttering your wardrobe, you’ll likely have a pile of clothes that you’ve decided not to keep. It’s important to handle these items responsibly. Here are several options for what to do with decluttered clothes:

Donate to Charity:

  • Charitable organizations often accept used clothing in good condition. Research local charities, shelters, and non-profits that could benefit from your donation.
  • Check the donation guidelines of the organization beforehand, as some have specific requirements for clothing donations.

Sell Online or at Consignment Stores:

  • For clothes that are in good condition or branded items, consider selling them online on platforms like eBay, Poshmark, or Depop.
  • Consignment stores are another option where you can sell your clothes and receive a percentage of the sale price.

Clothing Swaps:

  • Organize or participate in a clothing swap with friends, family, or community groups. This is a great way to refresh your wardrobe without buying new items.


  • For clothes that are too worn out to be donated or sold, look for textile recycling programs in your area. Many cities have drop-off locations for fabric recycling.


  • Get creative and repurpose old clothing into new items. For example, T-shirts can be turned into tote bags or old jeans can be transformed into shorts.

Give to Friends or Family:

  • Offer clothes to friends or family members who might appreciate them. Sometimes, one person’s decluttered item is another’s treasure.

Host a Garage Sale:

  • If you have a lot of items to get rid of, a garage or yard sale can be an effective way to sell multiple items at once.

Maintaining a Decluttered Wardrobe

ai an organised wardrobe

Maintaining a decluttered wardrobe is essential to ensure that your closet doesn’t revert back to a state of disarray. You could start by implementing the one-in-one-out rule; whenever you add a new item to your wardrobe, remove an old one. This practice helps keep the number of items in your closet in check and discourages unnecessary accumulation.

Schedule periodic reviews of your wardrobe (e.g., seasonally or bi-annually). Use these times to reassess your clothing and decide if there are items that no longer fit your style or needs.

Try and start shopping mindfully. Before purchasing new clothing, ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Think about the item’s versatility, how it fits with your existing wardrobe, and if you truly love it.

You could consider adopting a capsule wardrobe, which is a small collection of versatile clothes that you love and that can be mixed and matched. This approach limits clutter and simplifies decision-making.

Be wary of sales and discounts that can lead to impulse purchases. Stick to buying items that you need or that fill a specific gap in your wardrobe. If you focus on buying fewer, higher-quality items that last longer, rather than a larger number of cheap, low-quality pieces, you will eventually find that you don’t need to buy as many clothes!

Invest in good storage solutions that make it easy to keep things organized. Use drawer dividers, shelf organizers, and proper hangers, visibility of all items is key. If you make it a habit to reorganize your wardrobe periodically, this will help prevent clutter from building up.

Embracing a Minimalist Wardrobe

a neutrally decorated bedroom with white wardrobe and luxury lighting

Embracing a minimalist wardrobe is about more than just owning fewer clothes. It’s a philosophy that focuses on simplicity, quality, and mindfulness in your approach to clothing.

Minimalism in fashion means prioritizing essentials, valuing quality over quantity, and choosing items that serve multiple purposes or occasions. It’s about decluttering not just your closet, but also your mindset towards clothing.

To create a minimalist closet:

  • Assess your current wardrobe to find your style
  • Invest in high-quality pieces that last
  • Select versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched
  • Have a cohesive color palette
  • Be mindful of purchases
  • Take good care of your clothing. Only wash them if they really need it!
  • Embrace simplicity and sustainable practices

Adopting a minimalist wardrobe can lead to a more organized lifestyle, reduced stress, and a clearer understanding of what you truly enjoy wearing. It’s an approach that not only benefits your personal well-being but also promotes sustainable and responsible fashion choices.

Wrapping It Up

Taking the first step towards decluttering your wardrobe can be the beginning of a rewarding journey toward simplicity, efficiency, and a sense of calm in your daily life. If the idea of a cluttered closet overwhelms you or if choosing what to wear each day feels like a daunting task, now is the perfect time to embark on this transformative process.

Begin by setting aside some time, even if it’s just an hour, to start sorting through your clothes. Remember, decluttering doesn’t have to be done all at once; you can tackle it in manageable chunks. As you sift through each item, think about the space, time, and peace of mind you’ll gain by letting go of things you no longer need or love.

Begin small, stay consistent, and be kind to yourself throughout the process. As you do, you’ll not only transform your wardrobe but also cultivate habits that contribute to a more organized and serene lifestyle. And you’ll no longer be left standing in front of a wardrobe full of clothes every morning wondering what to wear!

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