Feng Shui Living Room: Harnessing Positive Energy in Your Space

a living room with a large curved sofa, velvet cushions and a large cozy rug. There is a mirrored round coffee table in the center and two large bookcases on either side of the room

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on creating harmonious environments to enhance the flow of energy, known as Chi or Qi. It is based on the belief that the arrangement and design of our surroundings can influence the energy in our lives and a Feng Shui living room is the perfect place to start.

Feng Shui seeks to balance and optimize the flow of energy in order to promote well-being, prosperity, and positive experiences. According to Feng Shui principles, everything in the universe, including our living spaces, is interconnected and influenced by energy forces.

By applying specific techniques and guidelines, such as proper furniture placement, color choices, and incorporation of natural elements, Feng Shui aims to create a supportive and balanced environment.

The goal of Feng Shui is to create spaces that are in harmony with the natural world and energy flows, which aligns with biophilic design elements. By enhancing the energy flow in our surroundings, we can positively impact various aspects of our lives, including relationships, health, wealth, and overall happiness.

We often look at our bedrooms or bathrooms as places of sanctuary, but creating a harmonious living room is crucial for enhancing positive energy in our homes.

Our living rooms are often the central gathering space where we relax, connect with loved ones, and recharge. When the energy in this space is balanced and harmonious, it can have a profound impact on our well-being and relationships.

Feng Shui Living Room

It is a transformative way to create a living space that supports our physical, emotional, and spiritual growth, allowing us to thrive and flourish in our daily lives.

Feng Shui is not only about the physical arrangement of objects but also about the intention and mindfulness behind design choices. It encourages us to be aware of the energy we bring into our spaces and to create an environment that supports our goals and aspirations.

1. Clearing and Decluttering

Decluttering holds great significance as the first step in Feng Shui because it sets the foundation for positive energy to flow freely throughout the living space.

There are a few reasons why decluttering is essential including:

  • Clutter tends to accumulate stagnant and negative energy. It creates blockages in the flow of Chi, hindering its positive influence. By removing clutter, you create space for fresh, revitalizing energy to circulate freely.
  • A cluttered environment can lead to mental clutter and a lack of focus. Clearing physical clutter helps declutter the mind as well, allowing for better concentration, improved decision-making, and increased productivity.
  • In Feng Shui, it’s believed that energy should move smoothly and freely throughout a space. Clutter obstructs the natural flow of energy, leading to stagnation and imbalance.
  • Clutter tends to make a space feel cramped and overwhelming. By removing unnecessary items, you open up the living room and create a sense of spaciousness.
  • Clutter can evoke feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. On the other hand, a tidy and organized living space promotes a sense of calm and serenity.
  • Feng Shui emphasizes mindfulness and intentionality in our living spaces. Decluttering aligns with these principles by encouraging us to consciously evaluate our belongings and keep only those that serve a purpose or bring joy.

To help with decluttering, there are several things you can do: 

  1. Set a decluttering goal: Define what you want to achieve and set a specific goal for your living room decluttering session. It could be clearing out a certain number of items, creating more open space, or organizing specific areas.
  2. Take it one area at a time: Break down the decluttering process into smaller, manageable tasks. Start with one area of the living room, such as a shelf, coffee table, or entertainment center, and focus on that before moving on to the next area. This prevents overwhelm and allows you to see progress more clearly.
  3. Sort items into categories: Create categories for the items in your living room, such as “keep,” “donate,” “sell,” and “discard.” As you go through each item, place it in the appropriate category. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and what you can let go of.
  4. Use the “Four-Box Method”: Prepare four boxes or bins labeled as “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Trash.” As you declutter, place each item into one of the boxes based on its category. This method helps streamline the process and keeps items organized as you go.
  5. Ask yourself guiding questions: When deciding whether to keep or let go of an item, ask yourself questions like: Do I use this regularly? Does it hold sentimental value? Does it contribute to the overall aesthetics and functionality of the living room? Can it be easily replaced if needed in the future? Answering these questions can help you make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.
  6. Identify duplicate items or things you have an excessive amount of. Keep only the ones you truly need or love and let go of the rest. For example, if you have multiple decorative items serving the same purpose, consider choosing your favorite and donating or selling the others.
  7. Designate specific storage areas for items that belong in the living room but are not frequently used. This helps maintain an organized and clutter-free space. Utilize storage baskets, shelves, or cabinets to store items neatly and out of sight.
  8. Once you’ve decluttered, handle the items in each category accordingly. Donate usable items to local charities or organizations, sell items online or through garage sales, and responsibly dispose of items that are no longer usable or in poor condition.

2. Air Out Your Living Room

a crittall ribbed window patio door leading out into the garden with parquet flooring and bamboo chairs
Image: Purlfrost

Once you are happy with your decluttering and the living room feels somewhat emptier, it’s time to air out your living room.

Airing out your room helps to refresh the energy and remove any stagnant or stale air that may have accumulated. This is especially important if the room has been closed up for an extended period or if the air quality feels stuffy.

Airing out the room encourages natural airflow, which helps to circulate fresh air and promote the movement of positive energy (Chi). When the air is stagnant, the energy in the room can become stagnant as well.

Opening windows or doors allows natural elements, such as sunlight, gentle breezes, and natural sounds, to enter the space. This connection with nature can have a positive impact on your well-being and contribute to a more harmonious living environment.

3. Feng Shui Colours

a purple wall with large crittall style windows and plants in the living room
Purple is said to bring wealth and prosperity. Image: Graham & Brown

Color has a profound influence on the energy and ambiance of a living room. Feng Shui color theory is an important aspect of creating a harmonious and balanced environment.

Colors are believed to carry specific energies and vibrations that can impact our well-being and influence the energy flow in a space.  It’s important to note that color alone cannot solve all Feng Shui imbalances, but it is an influential element in creating a harmonious environment.

a bagua energy map in grid form
The Bagua Energy Map

Color Placement

The placement of colors within a space is important in Feng Shui. Colors can be used strategically to balance and activate specific areas of the Bagua (energy map above).

To use the Bagua, find a floor plan of your home and place the above square over it. If your living room is in the bottom right-hand corner, use greys and whites. If your living room is in the middle left, use greens and blues. 

Using appropriate colors in the Bagua can help bring those aspects into your life. For example, the wealth area can enhance abundance, while applying harmonious colors in the relationship area can promote harmonious relationships.

Yin and Yang Colours

Feng Shui distinguishes between yin and yang colors. Yin colors are considered softer, cooler, and more calming, while yang colors are brighter, warmer, and more energizing. The balance between yin and yang colors is crucial in creating harmony.

To mix these colors, start with a neutral base. Paint your walls in a soft shade of white, beige, grey, or soft pastels to create a balanced backdrop.  Yin colors are best used on larger surfaces like walls, floors, or sofas. 

Next, add yang colors as accents. Yang colors are bold, like pillar box red or sunny yellow. Introduce these colors in smaller pieces such as throw pillows, artwork, rugs, or decorative accessories. This will help inject energy and liveliness into the space. 

Five Elements

a living room with cream velvet sofa, oak flooring, metal lightshades and plants
Image: Anjie Cho

Once you have selected your yin and yang colors, blend them with the five elements.

Colors are associated with the five elements of Feng Shui—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element is linked to specific colors, and incorporating them appropriately can support the energy balance in a space.

For example, wood is associated with greens and browns, fire with reds and oranges, earth with yellows and earth tones, metal with whites and greys, and water with blues and blacks.

Personal Preferences

Personal preferences and cultural associations play a role in color selection. Colors can evoke different emotions and have individual interpretations. It’s essential to consider your personal connection to colors and their impact on your energy and mood when applying Feng Shui color theory.

Room Function and Intention

For a Feng Shui living room, it is all about what kind of mood you want to set. If you want your living room to be a calm and relaxing space, then select soothing blues and greens. If you want it to be a more vibrant space where you entertain guests, look at using purples and reds. 

Colour Combinations

Creating harmonious color combinations is crucial. Balancing complementary or harmonious colors can promote a sense of harmony and coherence in a space. Conversely, clashing or disharmonious color combinations can disrupt the energy flow.

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4. Light and Lighting

Natural light is highly valued in a Feng Shui living room as it is considered the most beneficial and vibrant source of illumination. It represents the connection with the outdoors and brings in positive energy.

Ample natural light in the living room promotes a sense of vitality, uplifts the mood, and enhances the overall energy in the space. Make sure you open up the windows to let maximum light through and don’t overdo your window dressings. 

Artificial lighting plays a significant role in setting the ambiance and influencing the energy in the living room, especially during the evening or in spaces with limited natural light.

Soft, warm lighting creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, promoting relaxation and intimacy. Bright, cool lighting can energize and invigorate the space, making it suitable for activities and social gatherings.

Utilizing layered lighting techniques allows for greater flexibility and control over the energy in the living room. Combining different types of lighting, such as overhead fixtures, table lamps, and accent lighting, creates depth, texture, and a sense of balance.

It allows for adjusting the lighting levels based on different activities, moods, or specific areas within the room.

Mirrors have always been said to be a good addition to any room as they have the ability to reflect natural and artificial light around a room.

However, be mindful of where you place a mirror as it can also have a negative effect. Avoid placing mirrors opposite doors as they can reflect energy out of the room. Also, avoid placing it opposite a fireplace or a bookshelf as it can make a room feel more cluttered. 

Place mirrors opposite windows so that they can help bounce light around the room and make smaller areas feel bigger. 

5. Enhancing the Five Elements

The five elements of Feng Shui—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—are fundamental principles that represent different qualities, energies, and cycles in nature. These elements are used in Feng Shui to create balance, harmony, and a flow of energy in a space.

  • Wood represents growth, vitality, and new beginnings. It is associated with the colors green and blue and is symbolized by tall, rectangular, and vertical shapes.
  • Fire represents passion, transformation, and enthusiasm. It is associated with the colors red, orange, and purple and is triangular in shape.
  • Earth represents stability, nourishment, and grounding. It is associated with the colors yellow, beige, and earth tones. It is flat and square.
  • Metal represents clarity, precision, and strength. It is associated with the colors white, grey, and metallic tones. It is spherical in shape.
  • Water represents fluidity, adaptability, and wisdom. It is associated with the colors blue and black and is curvy and wavy in shape.

To bring good Feng shui energy into your living room, try and incorporate each element to help with balance and harmony. 

6. Furniture Placement and Arrangement

a large corner leather sofa in front of large windows and a tree. The furniture is placed around an oak coffee table
Image: CB2.com

Furniture placement is extremely important in a Feng Shui living room layout. The living room is a shared space in a family room and can often get crowded or chaotic.

Mindful furniture placement is vital in Feng Shui to optimize the flow of energy, or Chi, in a space. The arrangement and positioning of furniture can either facilitate or hinder the smooth circulation of energy, ultimately impacting the overall harmony and well-being of the household. 

In Feng Shui, the commanding position refers to the optimal placement of furniture, particularly in seating, to provide a sense of security, empowerment, and a clear view of the room and its entrances (although, you should try and avoid placing the seating area directly opposite the door to the room).

This position allows individuals to feel more in control of their space, fostering a sense of stability and well-being.

two navy blue sofas sit around an oval coffee table with grey occasional chairs. There is a huge chandelier hanging over a coffee table and a large grey rug
The perfect layout for a conversational living room. Image: Decorilla

Determine the primary function of your living room (e.g., conversation, entertainment, relaxation) and arrange the furniture accordingly. Create a layout that promotes ease of movement and encourages a natural flow within the space.

When arranging living room seating, it is ideal to position them against a solid wall and try to avoid having a walkway behind the sofa. This provides a supportive and stable energy backing, enhancing the sense of security and grounding for the occupants.

Place chairs and sofas facing each other to encourage face-to-face communication. Coffee tables or ottomans can be used as a centerpiece to anchor the seating arrangement.

a dark green living room with green and pink velvet sofas. The TV sits on an oak chest of drawers in the corner and there is a bookcase with lots of plants
Place the TV in a corner so it doesn’t become the central feature.

If you have a television in the living room, avoid positioning it as the central focus of the space. Placing it off to the side or in a concealed cabinet when not in use allows for a more balanced energy flow.

Finally, rugs can be used to define specific areas within the living room, such as seating or conversation zones. Place the rug beneath the main furniture grouping to anchor the space and create a sense of coziness and unity.

7. Add Plants and Nature

Bringing nature into a feng shui living room is of significant importance for several reasons. Nature has a calming and soothing effect on our well-being.

Being in the presence of natural elements, such as plants, flowers, or natural materials, can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase feelings of relaxation and overall well-being.

Choose Appropriate Plants

Select indoor plants that thrive in the lighting conditions of your living room. Consider factors such as natural light availability, temperature, and your ability to care for them. Opt for plants with soft and rounded leaves for gentle and calming energy or plants with pointed leaves for a more vibrant and energizing feel.

Integrate Natural Materials

Incorporate natural materials in furniture, flooring, and decor. Choose furniture made of wood, bamboo, rattan, or natural fibers like cotton or linen. Natural materials bring warmth, texture, and a grounding element to the living room.

Display Natural Artwork

a gallery wall of art, full of pictures of nature on a green wall in the living room
Image: Desenio

Hang artwork or photographs depicting natural scenes, landscapes, or elements such as mountains, forests, or oceans. These can evoke a sense of tranquillity, serenity, and connection with nature. Avoid artwork that brings negative energy into the room such as art that makes you feel sad, angry, or anxious. 

Use Natural Textiles

Opt for natural textiles in the form of curtains, upholstery, and throw pillows. Fabrics like cotton, wool, linen, or silk not only add a tactile element but also evoke a sense of comfort and natural beauty.

Choose patterns and colors inspired by nature, such as floral prints or earth tones, to enhance the connection with the natural world.

Add Elements of Water

Incorporate water elements, such as a small tabletop fountain, a fish tank, or a decorative bowl with water. Water represents the flow of energy and can add a soothing and refreshing element to the living room.

Mindful Arrangement

Be mindful of the placement and arrangement of natural elements. Avoid overcrowding or clutter and maintain a balance between natural elements and other decor items.

Consider the size, shape, and color of each element to ensure they harmonize with the overall aesthetic of the living room.

Harnessing positive energy in a Feng Shui living room has the transformative power to significantly impact your well-being and relationships and creates a living room that is infused with positive energy which creates a supportive environment.

By optimizing the energy flow and creating a harmonious space, you can experience a greater sense of calm, balance, and serenity in your home.


Q. What are some common Feng Shui mistakes to avoid in the living room?

A. One of the biggest mistakes is having a cluttered living room. Clutter creates stagnant energy and blocks the flow of positive energy (Chi).

Incorrect furniture placement can disrupt the energy flow in a Feng Shui living room. Avoid blocking doorways or pathways with furniture, as it impedes the natural flow of energy. 

Q. Which colors are best for the living room in Feng Shui?

A. In Feng Shui, color choices for the living room are based on the desired energy and purpose of the space. While personal preferences and specific room characteristics should also be considered, earthy tones, such as blues, greys, whites, sandy hues, and taupes foster stability and a sense of calm. 

Q. What are some Feng Shui remedies for a small living room?

A. Use light and bright colors on the walls, ceiling, and furniture to create an illusion of spaciousness. Mirrors are powerful tools in Feng Shui for expanding and reflecting energy.

Place mirrors strategically to create the illusion of depth and openness. Avoid overcrowding the room with too much furniture. Choose pieces that are proportionate to the room’s size and arrange them in a way that allows for easy movement and flow of energy. 

Q. Is it important to have a focal point in the living room for good Feng Shui?

A. Yes! A focal point helps to guide the flow of energy (Chi) in the living room. It draws the eye and creates a sense of direction and purpose. A well-placed focal point allows energy to gather and circulate in a harmonious manner throughout the room, enhancing the overall energy flow.

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feng shui living room: Harnessing positive energy in your space

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