The Worst Place to Position Your Bed! Avoid These Bed Placement Blunders

a bed with vintage wallpaper and a brass iron frame

Are you tossing and turning at night, unable to get a restful sleep no matter how hard you try?

Your bedroom might be to blame, specifically the placement of your bed. Believe it or not, where you position your bed can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall well-being.

So, what are the most common bed placement mistakes that could be sabotaging your sleep, and how can you avoid them?

Worst Place to Position Your Bed

a light blue panelled bedroom with large vintage artwork and oak bedside tables

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation, and the placement of your bed plays a crucial role in creating a conducive sleep environment. Here are the 6 worst places to position your bed.

Directly Across From the Door

a bed directly opposite a door in a bedroom

In Feng Shui philosophy, the worst place to position your bed is commonly referred to as the “coffin position.” This term is used to describe a bed that is directly across from the door, with your feet pointing directly toward it when lying down.

According to Feng Shui principles, this positioning is believed to create negative energy flow, disrupt sleep, and symbolically invite negative energy into your life.

Sleeping in the “coffin position” can make you feel exposed, vulnerable, and restless, as your subconscious mind remains alert to potential threats. It is thought to result in disturbed sleep patterns, feelings of unease, and a lack of rejuvenation during sleep.

To promote a sense of security and tranquility, position your bed so that it’s not in direct line with the door.

Against the Window

a bed placed directly under a window

Positioning your bed against a window might seem like a space-saving solution or an aesthetic choice, but it comes with its drawbacks. Windows can let in drafts, noise, and light, disrupting your sleep cycle.

Additionally, the lack of proper insulation against the window can make your bed uncomfortably cold during the winter months. To ensure a restful sleep, keep your bed away from windows and invest in heavy curtains or blinds to block out light and sound.

Under a Sloped Ceiling

a bed under a sloped ceiling with skylights and exposed brick work

Sleeping under a sloped ceiling might make your room feel cozy, but it can also create a claustrophobic and cramped sleeping environment.

Low ceilings can make it challenging to move around comfortably and can even lead to feelings of confinement and discomfort.

If possible, position your bed away from sloped ceilings to create an open and airy atmosphere conducive to relaxation and sleep.

Next to Electrical Outlets

a bedside table with lots of electronic devices on it

Electrical outlets emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which some studies suggest may interfere with sleep patterns and contribute to restlessness and insomnia.

Placing your bed next to electrical outlets, such as a large extension plug or a USB outlet, exposes you to higher levels of EMFs, potentially disrupting your sleep and overall health.

To minimize exposure to electromagnetic radiation, keep your bed away from electrical outlets and consider unplugging electronic devices before bedtime.

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Beneath Overhead Beams

a cosy bedroom with the bed under a large beam

Sleeping beneath overhead beams might give your bedroom a rustic charm, but it can also create a sense of heaviness and oppression. Overhead beams can create a feeling of pressure and constraint, making it difficult to relax and unwind.

If your bed is positioned beneath overhead beams, consider repositioning it to alleviate the psychological discomfort and promote a more restful sleep environment.

In a High-Traffic Area

a bed next to a doorway leading into a walk-in closet

Placing your bed in a high-traffic area of your bedroom can expose you to disturbances and interruptions throughout the night.

Whether it’s noisy footsteps, opening and closing doors, or turning on lights, constant disruptions can prevent you from achieving deep and restorative sleep.

To minimize disturbances, position your bed away from high-traffic areas such as next to an en-suite door, or walk-in closet, and invest in soundproofing solutions to create a quiet and peaceful sleep environment.

Best Sleeping Direction as per Vastu

a double bed with green paneling and floral wallpaper in the bedroom

A bit like Feng Shui, Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture and design, that originated thousands of years ago. The term “Vastu” means dwelling or building, while “Shastra” refers to the principles or guidelines.

The primary goal of Vastu Shastra is to create harmonious living spaces that are in alignment with the natural elements and cosmic energies.

According to Vastu, the best direction for placing your bed is considered to be the south or east direction. These directions are believed to align with the natural energies of the earth and the cosmos, promoting harmony and balance in your sleeping environment.

Here’s a breakdown of the recommended sleeping directions:

  1. South Direction: Sleeping with your head towards the south and your feet pointing north is considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra. This alignment is believed to align your body with the magnetic field of the earth, promoting restful sleep, good health, and overall well-being. It is thought to enhance energy levels and mental clarity, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
  2. East Direction: Alternatively, sleeping with your head towards the east and your feet pointing west is also considered favorable in Vastu Shastra. This orientation is believed to harness the positive energies of the rising sun, promoting vitality, positivity, and spiritual growth. It is thought to enhance creativity, intuition, and emotional balance, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

By aligning your bed with the south or east direction according to Vastu principles, you can create a conducive sleeping environment that promotes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Additionally, it is recommended to avoid placing your bed in direct alignment with sharp corners, beams, or obstructive objects, as these may create negative energy flow and disrupt your sleep.

a sage green bedroom with panelling, gold hardware and a large rug

By avoiding these common bed placement blunders, and taking advice from both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra principles, you can optimize your sleep quality and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated each morning.

Take the time to evaluate your bedroom layout and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that your bed is positioned for optimal sleep health. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

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