How to Keep Carpets Clean With Pets in the Home

photo of puppy lying on carpet
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Having a pet is akin to adding a new member to the family. These lovable creatures offer companionship, love, and a host of memorable moments. However, along with the countless joys they bring, pets can also present their share of challenges.

For many Tennesseans, our furry friends mean everything: they join us on fun adventures to the state’s amazing park system, gobble up the last bit of catfish from our plate, and wait patiently at home for us to come home from the Grand Ole Opry with some yummy snacks from Three Dog Bakery.

Unfortunately, it’s a sad fact that animals can be pretty hard on carpets, no matter how easy carpet cleaning is. 

How to Keep Carpets Clean

black vacuum cleaner on area rug

Pet dander is a major contributor to poor indoor air quality, especially when you have carpets – and this isn’t the only thing your flooring needs to worry about when it comes to your cherished companions.

In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency notes that cat saliva is a major concern, as it contains bacteria that will soak into the carpet fibers and potentially lead to mold.

Given that Tennessee and many counties in the south are already humid environments, this can be a serious concern, especially if you have children or seniors in the home.

This doesn’t mean you need to get rid of your carpets – you simply need to find a way to ensure that your flooring stays clean while still satisfying your companions and giving them a cozy, pet-friendly home.

1. Brush Your Pets Outside

a dog in a greenhouse surrounded by flowers

Every pet needs some grooming from time to time, whether it’s a long-haired Persian cat or a short-haired greyhound. It’s tempting to get this done while sitting on the couch, but this can release dander and hair that will settle on your carpets, continually agitating your allergies.

If you live in a mild climate, brushing your fuzzy roommates outside for the better part of the year is possible.

Allow your companion to enjoy some fresh air while you help rid them of shedding hair; if you have cats, you can put them in a harness and simply use a small brush to get under the fabric. Better yet, send your pet on a luxury spa day by taking them to the groomer.

Also, remember to try and clean their paws before entering the home, to keep carpet cleaning to a minimum!

2. Have a Bath Schedule

gray poodles in bath

Bathing is essential for most pets to maintain their health and hygiene. However, different animals have varying needs when it comes to frequency and method of bathing.


The need for baths varies based on breed, coat type, lifestyle, and any underlying health issues.

  • Active outdoor dogs or those with a thick undercoat may require monthly baths.
  • Short-haired breeds or indoor dogs might only need a bath every 2-4 months.
  • Breeds with oily coats, like Basset Hounds, may need weekly baths.


Most cats are excellent self-groomers and may never require a bath. However, for cats that are particularly dirty or greasy, bathe them every 4-6 weeks or as needed. 

3. Place Their Hygiene Supplies and Food Bowls In Non-Carpeted Areas

cat with food

Dog food crumbs and a sprinkle of kicked cat litter can be a major problem in a carpeted home, as it’s difficult to remove with a vacuum. Consider placing your kitty litter pan in the bathroom and your pets’ food bowls in the kitchen, which are usually linoleum or tile.

If this isn’t possible, put down a clear mat all around the area, then place their bowl or litter box on another separate mat; this provides extra protection and makes it much easier to clean the area without worrying about saliva stains and crushed-in crumbles.

4. Make Covered Play Spaces

two cats lying on a scratching post

You might not think about it, but if your fuzzballs love to jump on cat trees or frolic on the floor, they will be continually shedding and embedding dander into the carpet, given that they spend a lot of time in that area.

Every time your pug rolls on its back or your Ragdoll kitten leaps from perch to perch, they drop hairs that contribute to poorer indoor air quality.

Thankfully, clear mats are to the rescue again! Place these in designated areas, such as near your cat’s scratching post or your dog’s favorite place to nap.

You may have to train your pet to be comfortable with the texture, as some animals are more skittish than others; take it slowly, offering them plenty of reassurance and treats to show them that this is a fun and comfortable place.

Be sure to wash these regularly and vacuum around them to ensure that you’ve collected all the dander.

5. Get Professional Carpet Cleaning Regularly

black and red canister vacuum cleaner on floor

You’ve got a busy life, and it can be challenging to find time for carpet cleaning in addition to everything else you’re up to, such as heading out to Dollywood or watching your little footballer prepare to join the Tennessee Titans when he grows up.

More than that, the average vacuum won’t be able to capture all the dander, mold, and ragweed pollen that you and your pets bring into the home every day.

If your puppy or senior dog had an accident, it’s nearly impossible to get everything out and prevent bacterial overgrowth, even with good carpet cleaning solutions that you can find at a hardware store.

Professional carpet cleaning is important for everyone, but it’s even more critical for those who share their home with pets; thankfully, TN Flood Kings carpet cleaning services proved to be a top-notch option for those who need a pet-friendly carpet cleaning solution.

This company provides efficient and affordable service using pet-friendly solutions that won’t agitate a cat or dog’s respiratory system. You can take your dog out for a nice long walk, or relax with your kitty in another room, and return to an immaculately clean carpet that’s ready for more fun.

6. Use Protective Carpet Treatments

Carpet protectors are particularly valuable in households with pets. These protectors can come in various forms, such as sprays, plastic runners, or mats. Their primary role is to shield the carpet from potential damage and wear that pets might cause.

Carpets in high-traffic areas, especially where pets frequently tread, can wear out faster. Protectors can distribute the weight and reduce the impact on the carpet fibers, thus prolonging the carpet’s lifespan.

Certain carpet protectors are designed to trap and neutralize odors. This feature is especially beneficial in homes with pets, where odors can sometimes be a concern.

Additionally, consider using pet-friendly carpet cleaning solutions to tackle any accidents promptly. For stubborn stains or damage, seek professional assistance from services like Cincinnati Carpet Repair. Their expertise in carpet repair and restoration can revitalize your carpets, ensuring they stay clean and pristine despite the presence of pets.

Regular grooming of pets to minimize shedding and accidents can also contribute to the overall cleanliness of your carpets.

7. Train Your Pets

Cute Kitten hiding behind a Pillow
A clean carpet can be challenging with pets!

Preventing pets, especially dogs and cats, from engaging in destructive behaviors requires understanding the reasons behind these actions and then addressing the root causes. Here are some tips to help curb scratching, digging, and other destructive habits:

  • Scratching Posts for Cats: Cats naturally need to scratch to shed their old nail sheaths and mark territory. Provide scratching posts or boards and place them near areas where your cat likes to scratch.
  • Digging Pits for Dogs: If your dog likes to dig, consider designating a specific area in your yard as a digging pit. Fill it with sand or loose soil and bury toys in it to make it an appealing spot.
  • Anti-scratch Sprays or Tapes: These can be applied to furniture or areas you want to deter your cat from scratching.
  • Bitter Sprays: Can deter both cats and dogs from chewing on furniture, shoes, or other household items.
  • Motion-activated Sprinklers: These can deter dogs from digging in gardens or specific areas of the yard.
  • Interactive Toys: These can keep pets mentally stimulated and reduce boredom, which is often a significant cause of destructive behavior.
  • Chew Toys for Dogs: These satisfy the natural urge to chew, keeping them away from your furniture or shoes.

Addressing and preventing destructive behaviors in pets often requires a combination of understanding their needs, providing appropriate outlets for their natural instincts, and ensuring they have a stimulating environment.

With patience and consistency, most pets can be guided away from undesired behaviors and towards positive ones.

Pets make our lives so much better: they’re the perfect companions to enjoy all that Tennessee has to offer, but they can also make housekeeping more challenging.

Don’t think you need to say goodbye to your clean carpets just because you have a fuzzy bundle of joy; instead, use these helpful tips and the help of professionals to satisfy both man’s best friend and everyone’s favorite flooring.

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