Slow Living: Transforming Home into a Haven of Peace and Calm

a rustic living room with cozy sofa

Do you ever find you float through the days on autopilot? Not taking in what you’re doing and going through the motions? In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out and that’s where slow living comes in. 

One in 14 UK adults admitted to being stressed every single day according to CIPHR. The demands of work and family life can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of burnout and anxiety. 

If this feels like something that describes you, then following the lifestyle of slow living might help readdress the balance. A slow living lifestyle emphasizes slowing down and savoring the present moment, rather than rushing through life in a constant state of stress and busyness.

It’s about focusing on what truly matters and making deliberate choices that align with our values and priorities. Slow living can take many forms, but at its core, it’s about creating a more intentional and mindful approach to daily life.

There are plenty of misconceptions about slow living – for instance, it does not necessarily mean everything is done sluggishly or at a snail’s pace. Nor is it an idea that only works for people in the countryside, it can be a mindset for any environment.

a calm living room with white sofa, neutral decor and a gallery wall
Biophilic design is key to a slow living home – lots of natural light, natural materials, and less is more.

Slow living is also not at odds with ambitions to be successful, but rather a way to live in the present and appreciate quality over quantity. At its heart, slow living is about cultivating a deeper connection to ourselves, to others, and to the world around us.

By taking a step back from the fast-paced, consumer-driven culture that dominates our modern world, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life that aligns with our values and priorities. It is a way of life that can take time to develop but one that could bring plenty of benefits to your welfare. So, how do we implement slow living in the home? 

Slow Living at Home

Transforming our home into a haven of peace and calm can be a key part of embracing a slow living lifestyle. By creating a serene and tranquil environment, we can cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and mindfulness, helping us to slow down and appreciate the present moment.

When our homes are cluttered and chaotic, it can be difficult to find a sense of calm and relaxation. By simplifying our space, minimizing our possessions, and creating a more organized and clutter-free environment, we can create a sense of order and tranquillity that can be conducive to slow living.

In addition, embracing natural elements in our homes, such as plants, natural light, and fresh air, can help us feel more connected to the natural world and promote feelings of peace and serenity.

Prioritizing rest and relaxation in our homes, such as creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom or incorporating relaxation techniques into our daily routines, can also help us embrace slow living and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

boucle vintage chair and mid-century sideboard in the dining room with panelled walls, wallpaper and a large peony print
Investing in quality and vintage furniture means you save money in the long run

Here are 7 ways you can implement slow living in the home:

  1. Hygge your home
  2. Flush out the homeware fast fashion
  3. Invest in quality materials
  4. Less is more
  5. Simplify your space
  6. Focus on mindful living
  7. Provide rest and relaxation

1. Hygge Your Home

a cozy bedroom with throw, pampas grass and a rattan rug

Hygge is a Danish concept that emphasizes creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, cultivating a sense of warmth and contentment, and savoring the simple pleasures of life.

It involves creating a welcoming and inviting space, enjoying good food and drink, and spending quality time with loved ones. Hygge is about creating a sense of comfort, happiness, and well-being in everyday life, and is seen as an important part of Danish culture.

Creating a warm and inviting space is key to hygge interiors. Adding lots of cozy and warm textiles and cushions to create a relaxing atmosphere will help you achieve the look, as will using neutral tones and earthly palettes to help you feel more connected to the outside world.

Candles, dimmer switches, and fairy lights can also create a warm and inviting atmosphere, and using essential oils, diffusers, or candles to create a pleasant and relaxing scent in your home will complete a slow living and comfy home. 

2. Flush Out Homeware Fast Furniture

blue velvet chair next to a mid century sideboard with a nature inspired gallery wall and lots of plants
Buy better, it will last longer

It can be easy to fall into the trend of purchasing fast interiors from cheaper homeware brands focusing on mass production, particularly if you are looking for style on a budget. But doing so can lead to a throwaway culture and produce more waste at a time when we’re all trying to do our bit for sustainable living.

Fast furniture is also designed to be replaced quickly, often within a few years, which means that it doesn’t last as long as more sustainable and high-quality furniture. This leads to a significant amount of waste, as old furniture is discarded and replaced with new products. If you do need to replace old furniture, make sure to contact a reliable company that offers junk removal in London to dispose of these properly for you.

The ‘slow’ culture encourages you to purchase the most durable products within your price range. Investing in hardwood pieces with more durability will result in fewer replacements. Handmade items can offer a sense of uniqueness, while artisan-made furniture can help you to slow down and appreciate the amount of time that has gone into their creation.

3. Invest in Quality Materials

a white and oak kitchen with rattan bar stools
I’ve got my eye on that cane-webbed bar stool!

One way to create a slow living home and avoid overconsumption is to purchase your furniture from antique shops or second-hand marketplaces. Do your research and look for the most sustainable products when looking for bold or unique furniture choices such as sofas, tables, and table lamps that add character yet keep your space looking clean and fresh.

Vintage and antique pieces don’t have to be expensive. Scour social media marketplaces or visit car boot sales, charity shops, and flea markets.

4. Less is More

a sage green living room with oak coffee table and gallery wall

The concept of “less is more” is an important aspect of slow living because it emphasizes the value of simplicity and minimalism. By choosing to live with less, we can focus on what truly matters and create a more intentional and mindful approach to daily life.

In contrast to the fast-paced, consumer-driven culture that dominates our modern world, slow living emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity. This means choosing to invest in fewer, higher-quality possessions rather than accumulating a lot of cheap, disposable items.

Living with less can have a number of benefits for our well-being and the environment. It can reduce stress, improve our mental clarity, and create a more peaceful and organized living environment. It can also help us reduce our impact on the environment by consuming fewer resources and reducing waste.

In addition, living with less can help us cultivate a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for what we have. By focusing on the things that truly matter and letting go of the rest, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

5. Simplify your Space

a rustic bedroom with wood panelling and brown soft furnishings

Clutter can be a major source of stress in our lives. When our homes are filled with too many possessions, it can be difficult to find what we need, and the visual clutter can be overwhelming.

By simplifying our space and removing excess possessions, we can create a more organized and peaceful environment that promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

  • Declutter your rooms and remove anything that is serving no purpose, doing so in a sustainable way or by donating to charity shops, and selling online.
  • Start small by decluttering one area of your home at a time, such as a closet or bookshelf. This can help prevent feeling overwhelmed by the process.
  • Use the “one in, one out” rule: For every new item you bring into your home, consider letting go of something you no longer need.
  • Organize your possessions into categories and create a designated space for each item. This can help prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Use storage solutions such as baskets, shelves, and bins to keep items organized and out of sight.

6. Focus on Mindful Living

a cozy corner next to a window with snow outside and sheepskin cushions

Practising mindfulness is an important aspect of embracing slow living in our homes. By being fully present and aware of our surroundings, we can cultivate a greater sense of gratitude, appreciation, and contentment for the simple things in life.

Mindfulness can help us slow down and appreciate the beauty and simplicity of our homes. It allows us to focus on the present moment and fully engage with our environment, rather than getting caught up in the distractions and stresses of everyday life.

Create a dedicated space in your home for mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga. Set aside time each day to practice mindfulness, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Disconnect from technology! Create boundaries around technology use in your home. Turn off devices during meals or set aside specific times for technology use.

Create spaces in your home that foster connection and communication, such as a cozy reading nook or a family game room where you can spend quality time playing vintage games like Cribbage.

7. Prioritise Rest and Relaxation

a cozy bed with linen bedding and limewashed walls

Rest and relaxation are essential components of slow living and creating a peaceful home. In today’s fast-paced world, we often prioritize productivity and achievement over rest and relaxation. However, embracing slow living and creating a peaceful home requires us to prioritize rest and relaxation as essential components of a fulfilling and balanced life.

Creating a peaceful home that prioritizes rest and relaxation can involve many different elements, such as comfortable furniture, calming colors and textures, and spaces dedicated to rest and rejuvenation. It can also involve setting boundaries around technology use and creating space for quiet reflection and meditation.

Benefits of Slow Living

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved well-being and mental health
  • Greater mindfulness and presence in daily life
  • Stronger connections with loved ones and community
  • More sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle
  • Increased appreciation for the simple things in life
  • Enhanced creativity and productivity
  • Greater sense of purpose and meaning
  • More restful and rejuvenating environment
  • More intentional and mindful approach to consumption and possessions.

Find Out More with Slow Living Influencers

woman wearing a straw hat in a shadow

With around 3.5 million #theartofslowliving hashtag uses on Instagram, slow living is an ever-growing concept.

Many people are feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in. The constant pressure to be productive, connected, and available can lead to burnout and a sense of disconnection from ourselves and our surroundings.

Influencers such as @vanilla_papers, @alysonsimplygrows, and @me_and_orla are extremely useful as you look to gain inspiration for adopting a slow living mindset.

The popularity of the slow living concept reflects a growing desire for a more mindful, intentional, and fulfilling approach to life in today’s fast-paced world. The best place to start slow living is in your home!

slow living - transform your home into a peaceful and cosy haven Pinterest pin

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